Bar Hangs and Calluses

Calluses and hand pain can be common issues when performing bar hangs, especially if you are new to the exercise or if you are doing it frequently. There are several options for addressing these issues. Gloves or Palm Protectors I guess you could use these. These can provide a barrier between your skin and the…

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Increasing My Hang Time

When I first started my passive/active hang work I was just eeking out 20 seconds once in the morning and once at night. This started Dec 2022 Beginning of this month I started pushing 30 seconds each time in the morning and evening. Sometimes I would do an extra hang in the evening. When I…

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My Journey with Bar Hangs and Inversion Table Use: One Month In

It’s been about 6 weeks of my daily bar hangs and a month since I started using my Teeter Hang Up, and I am thrilled with the results thus far. I’ve been doing my routine in the morning and the evening, and I’ve already noticed a significant improvement in my back health and shoulder strength.…

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Bar Hangs and Inversion Tables for Motorcycle Riders

As a motorcycle rider, you know the importance of taking care of your back. Long rides and the constant vibration of the motorcycle can lead to back pain and discomfort, but fortunately, there are several ways to alleviate this discomfort. Perform bar hangs for shoulder health and improved grip on your motorcycle Bar hangs can…

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How do you passive hang

Passive hang exercises involve hanging from a bar or other stationary object using only your arms and hands to support your body weight. These exercises are typically done as a way to improve upper body strength, particularly in the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back. Passive hang exercises can be modified to suit different…

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Does hanging from a bar reduce pain in hands and wrists?

Hell yes it does! I knew that it would improve grip strength, but it didn’t immediately click in my head that the result could be less aching in my hands. The wife was asking for her feet to be rubbed but I usually avoid it anymore because it was painful on my fingers, wrist and…

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Hang Time Update

Beginning of Active and Passive Hangs I started doing active and passive daily hangs roughly December 1st 2022. I started with once a day and tried to hit 30 seconds. The first couple of weeks I was maybe getting to 20 seconds. Around December 11th I was getting better at a consistent 30 seconds of…

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You don’t need to break records

Your goal with doing daily active and passive hangs is not to be an extreme athlete as these guys are. But watching this video will give you inspiration to strive to hang longer. I started with 15 second hangs once a day. 2 weeks in and I up to 30 seconds twice a day. As…

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